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Monday, June 10, 2013

I Like Ranch

Monday, June 10, 2013
I'm just going to start out by saying that, ummmm, well, this post is dedicated to Madie and Chelsie Hawker! Hahahaha....

But, anyways! So, as my job, I'm a chef or a cook---whatever you want to call it. We make everything from scratch! Literally. EVERYTHING! Anyone that knows me knows that I love my condiments, especially ranch, barbecue sauce, and honey mustard. Well, I made ranch the other day! Now, I know what is in ranch. It's six gallons of mayonnaise, two gallons of milk, and four cups of the ranch seasoning! And yes, we even make the ranch seasoning by ourselves as well. 

I may never each ranch again....or so I thought. 

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