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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Moving Day: 31536000 Seconds Later

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

365 DAYS.

8760 HOURS.

525600 MINUTES.

31536000 SECONDS

I have spent my entire life growing up in Blackfoot, Idaho. I mean, up until a year ago, I had moved once, and it was around the corner.

However, one year ago today, I moved for a second time. 

And this time, it wasn't around the corner. It was to a different state. 

I had just graduated from high school, and it was time to move away. 

I had nothing holding me to Blackfoot, and I had every reason to leave there.

I had been offered the job of a lifetime, and I love adventures, so I was more than excited to leave.

Before this, I had spent a few weeks away from my home, and never had I experienced homesickness.

Most kids are nervous about leaving home because they get homesick, but I am not one of those kids. 

 I had a different worry.

I was worried about saying goodbye.

I hate goodbyes.

No, let me rephrase this. 

I loathe goodbyes.

Thankfully, I had managed to escape most goodbyes in Blackfoot because I didn't find out I was moving until two weeks before I actually moved. 

That is how I like it, though! Just get up and get outta there! Avoid as many goodbyes as possible. It's like avoiding the pain. (All of you who have read The Little Prince, that is how I feel!)

I get so attached to everyone that I meet. It's really crazy.

There was no avoiding the hardest goodbyes: my family.

I am soooooo close with my little sisters. It doesn't matter that there are 12 years between my baby sister and I, we are still extremely close.

I dreaded this goodbye. As badly as I wanted to go to Provo, I didn't want to leave them.


I woke up early the morning that I left to finish packing the car with my things. 

I remember watching my house as long as I possibly could as we drove away. I had no idea when I would be back home next. 

We stopped in Provo at Carl's Jr. for a quick lunch, then to look at apartments for the Fall, and eventually to Aspen Grove.

We arrived at Aspen Grove, and it wasn't anything like I expected, yet it was so perfect for me. We drove up to my little A-frame cabin and moved all my stuff in.

Then, we sat on a little porch for a bit just looking around and trying to take everything in. 

Then, my dad finally said what I had been dreading all day. 

It was time for them to go.

As soon as Brookie heard that, she ran over, hugged my legs real tight, and ran to the car with her face down so that I couldn't see it. She jumped in the car and shut the door as fast as she could.

I hugged Hannah and Sarah goodbye, then my parents. Everyone, except for Sarah, was crying.

I walked back to the car to say a real goodbye to Brooke. I didn't want that to be how we said goodbye.

I opened the door, and she was in her car seat hugging her knees as she bawled.

Still to this day, the sight of that breaks my heart. I hate watching other people cry, especially my family.

After one more round of goodbyes, they were gone, and I was all alone. 

{I would be lying if I said I didn't cry. I cried a little bit}

Aspen Grove was deserted. {I later learned that everyone had the day off, so all the workers were gone}

I spent the rest of the night walking all around AG, familiarizing myself, as well as moving in completely, reading, and then just laying in my bed. 

Little did I know that the next day would mark the very beginning of one of the best things that every happened to me.

I constantly wish I could turn back time and re-live last summer. I seriously loved every minute of it. 

Not only that, but this entire last year, I have learned so much! and grown IMMENSELY. I am not the same person I was a year ago when I moved away. 

In fact, I have a really hard time imagining my life before a year ago. 

Provo is where I belong for now.

In some ways, this past year has felt like 10 years, yet it felt like only 10 days. 

It went by so fast, yet so slow.


Seriously, I am so lucky.

Forever, my moving day.

Forever, the mark of my new chapter.

Happy June 3rd, everyone!


  1. I too loathe goodbyes. I sobbed all the way to Provo and my family only lives 45 minutes away! But I am SO glad you're in Provo now :)

  2. :-) Alice you make me so happy! I'm glad you had such a great semester--even better times ahead, I'm sure!

  3. I hate goodbyes myself as well. I think they’re those moments that give you a strong reason to stay, and it just breaks your heart knowing that you won’t see so much of them again. But then, we all have to take that first step in moving away, so that we can find our way forward. Anyway, how’s life at your new place? :)
    Arlene Keller @ Scott Sauer

  4. Arlene,

    I love my new place! I love Provo, and I love Utah. I want to live here forever! :)


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