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Friday, July 12, 2013

Squaw Peak

Friday, July 12, 2013
Last Saturday, the four of us piled into Nate's car and headed to Squaw Peak.

 I guess Nate goes there rather often and wanted to shoot things, so we went hiking and shooting. It had just rained, so we all got pretty soaked, but the scenery was so beautiful! 

Karen kept running and hiding so I couldn't get a photo of her, but I grabbed this when she didn't notice! Mwahahaha.....

Kathy and I wanted to find a pretty location to watch the sunset, and Karen and Nate were more interested in shooting things, so we separated for a bit!

I think Kathy and I did very well at finding a place to watch the sunset! 

I did manage to find just about every poky plant around... it took a little while to get them all out!

Then, we drove to the other side of Squaw Peak to the lookout. Isn't this view fantastic?? The photos don't even do it justice. 

1 comment :

  1. You got some great pictures - that is quite the view... wow! Love and Miss you, Mom

    PS - Dad and I went on a date up there - it was our 2nd date.. it's the date where we cooked hotdogs and s'mores and I smeared the marshmellow on Dad's face - and he told me someday he would do a payback - he did, at our reception - with the cake! Love and miss you, Mom


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