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Friday, July 12, 2013

Just a Run-In... No, Literally.

Friday, July 12, 2013
Every Wednesday night at Aspen Grove, we have night games for the teens and young adults. Lately, I've been participating and interacting with the guests. We have a bonfire, then two or three rounds of capture the flag and last, we do two rounds of fugitive. This week, once again, I decided to participate. I showed up late because I was with my friends, so I chose a side to be on for capture the flag, and I picked my spot to guard my side. All of a sudden, I got extremely tired, so I decided to sit down. I told my teammates that I would yell if I saw anyone try and come on our side. As soon as I sat down, someone from the other team ran right behind me and my team started screaming my name to get her. I got up and chased her as fast as I possibly could, and by now, it was pitch black outside. I got really close to the girl and reached out to tag her. All of a sudden I hit something really hard with my face and next thing I knew, I was on the ground, face down, in a tremendous amount of pain. The left side of my face was hurting soooooo bad. I don't even have words to describe it. I could hear people around me asking if I was okay, and I felt someone's hand touch my back and ask me if I was going to be okay. I couldn't answer because I was still trying to bite back the tears stinging in my eyes and figure out if I really was okay or not. I reached my hand up to feel my cheekbone and jaw to make sure nothing was broken, and it felt like nothing was. I even checked my teeth to make sure they were all there. I told the girl that I think I would be okay... Eventually. I went and found Nate, Kathy, and Karen to have them make sure I didn't have a concussion, then I went to bed. 

I woke up with a swollen face, split lip, and a bruise forming on my left cheek. The pain goes from my creek bone all the way through the back of my jaw. My teeth hurt, too. I can feel swelling in the back of my mouth, but I am okay. Now, it only hurts if I laugh, touch it, or bite down on something hard or chewy. I figured I could take some pictures to show all the swelling. 

See, it's not too bad! Hahaha :) I feel super blessed that this is my face and not my ribs or knee because that would be way worse. 

But this did remind me of State BPA this year when I had my last concussion. I laugh really hard when I watch this video because it truly shows how easily I am hurt. Yes, I think 'The Girl Made of Glass' is a fitting name for me! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am sorry you got hurt again. I know how much fun those night games are. Love and miss you! Mom


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