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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The First Real Day of Winter

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
So, I really truly hate snow with a little more than a passion. I was all snuggled into bed last night when I heard the news that it was suppose to snow in the middle of the night. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I have been dreading this for so long. 

When people hear that I hate snow, they are surprised and ask, "Aren't you from Idaho?" I reply with something along the lines of, "Yes, I am, and it is a lot colder there. Not only that, but it is also extremely windy so the snow feels like it is cutting into your face as it is being blown onto your skin."

I have my reasons to hate the snow. First, it is cold. I hate the cold! I have a disease called Raynaud's Phenomenon, which basically means that all my veins are too small. My body is extremely sensitive to temperature change, and getting too cold is fairly dangerous for me. I think I am always about 10 degrees colder than everyone else all year long. I wear sweaters and jackets in the middle of summer. Imagine how cold I get when it is actually cold outside. So, the snow just causes me to have a lot more problems with my disease because it is cold. Second, snow is really dangerous to drive in. Especially where I live in Idaho. I have never been in an accident, nor do I ever want to. I really hate driving in the snow. Third, I hate when it melts and freezes or just melts and puddles. It makes my feet soaking wet. Then, I get cold. Fourth, it is really hard to walk in. It makes everything slick. There is a hill just outside my apartment that I have to climb to get to campus, and today, I almost slipped and fell multiple times. I would seriously break in half if I fell down that hill. I get so nervous anytime I am around that hill now. Also, back home, I could get away with driving to school, then to work, and finally, home. I only had to be outside for a minute or two at a time. Here, I can't do that. I have to be outside for 10-20 minutes just to walk to my classes. {Today was extra bad because the snow was blowing in my eyes, and I couldn't see where I was walking. Totally ran into a few people. My bad, whoops.}

Basically, I just do not like it at all. But, today, I woke up to the snow. Inches of snow. Yuck. I said to myself, "Alice. This is only the first day with snow. You have a long ways to go. You better just make the best of it." {And yes, I do talk to myself. I mean, I am always needing expert advice.} So, I decided to do something crazy. 

Regardless of how much I hate snow, when I see fresh snow that no one else has touched, I get sudden urges to jump in it or run through it just to mess it up. I don't know why, but I do. Today, I got that urge. I saw Clyde hill and it's perfectly smooth hill, and said to myself, "Ummmm.... I want to slide down that." Then, I remembered that I still have my pool tube from this summer, so I ran back to my apartment, grabbed it, then, ran back to slide down the hill. It didn't work as well as I had wanted, but each time we went, we would go a little farther. We managed to get videos and photos of our quick little adventure. I am proud to say that Clyde hill is no longer perfectly smooth. I ruined it. 

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