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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Gutting Fish...Yet Again

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Up until last Wednesday, the summer record for fish was 18.....

Then, Wednesday happened.

It was always my luck to gut a fish, bleach the sink, then turn around to find another fish being dropped off. Seriously?

So, I learned to wait and do fish until right before I left. Of course, I got a fish on Wednesday, and I was going to gut it after dinner, but Tori was getting impatient and told me to do it then. So, I did. I bleached out the sink, turned around to another three fish. Ok, not a big deal. I gut the other three fish, go to dinner, and come back to one more fish. While I am gutting the one fish, four more came! I was laughing, and I finished gutting them! I bleached out the sink a third time (I am very allergic to bleach, so I try and avoid it at all costs.) We are just about to turn off the lights when we get another fish! I just laugh and find out that it is my best little buddy, Bree who caught it! I was so excited! I hurry and gut it, and by the time I was done gutting it, I had 10 MORE FISH! 

What the?!? 

Yep! Karen and I set a new record with 21 fish....and staying an extra half hour at work. 

Way to go out with a bang, right?!?

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