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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beyond Blessed

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
College is hard.

Not just hard when it comes to homework and classes, but this is one of the most, if not the most, emotionally, mentally, and physically difficult thing I have ever done.

I was always told that college was hard, but I never really understood how hard it would be until I actually experienced. 

I think that is how most of us experience things. We hear all about certain things, but until we actually go through it, we can't fully fathom it. 

For me, college is a little more difficult than for most. I encountered some obstacles at the beginning of college that make it extremely hard to be in college.

With each day, I am learning how to adjust to my new life and learning how to correctly manage my massive stress, homework, classes, church, and social life. 

If I could, I would choose my social life over going to college any day, but then again, who wouldn't?

People say that high school is nothing compared to college. I hear people mention that they hated high school, yet they loved college. 

Well, those that know me, know that I am very blunt. 

I hate college. I hated high school, and I may even hate college even more.

I literally have to give myself a pep talk each morning just to get out of bed and keep going. I loathe going to classes. I loathe homework. I loathe tests. I loathe everything that has to do with the educational aspect of college. The only class that interests me in the least is my Marriage & Family class, and of course, volleyball. But that's a given. 

However much I hate college, I am always able to see the blessings that I am showered with each day. 

Some days, it is a simple blessing such as running into someone that said something I really needed to hear, or they just simply brightened my life. It may even be a random text that is a pick-me-up!

Or, it could be something very big such as somehow understanding the things I need to for tests. 

I am beyond blessed. Each day when I want to give up, I feel the Lord's warm embrace. That is just enough to keep me going a little more. I know I am suppose to be here, no matter how difficult this is for me. 

Right now, I am in a Chemistry class and I don't understand any of it. I try so hard to learn it and pay attention in class, but it doesn't click with me. I had a test last week and I did not understand any of it. I got up extra early to learn everything. I studied for hours, went to the testing center feeling pretty prepared, only to sit down and once again, not understand it. I didn't comprehend the way the questions were asked or applied. The test wasn't multiple choice either, so you either knew it or you didn't. I literally guessed on about 75% of the test. I did my best, and just had to go turn it in knowing that I did the best I could. 

I came to accept that I probably will be getting the worst grade I had ever received on that Chemistry test. It was really hard for me. I have never had something not make sense.

I received my test back on Monday, and I got a 70! Haha that is a bad grade, but for me, this was just another blessing. My grade only dropped from an 89% to an 87%. 

Holy heavens, that is a miracle. I know I did not do that on my own. 

We are all so, so blessed. I hope everyone is able to realize this.

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