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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Madie & Braeden

Saturday, January 3, 2015
Holy cow, do these photos have a story to tell. 

Madie is my sister-in-laws sister, and basically a sister to me. When she asked me to do her and Braeden's photos, I was so excited! It worked out perfectly that I would be home at just the right time to take them. We went out, took them, and I fell in love with the photos. They were awesome. 

When I came back to Provo to edit them, the photos were gone. They weren't anywhere on an SD card, nor were they on any of my computers. I had no idea what had happened, but they were gone. I spent hours searching the computer, with nothing. I searched my SD cards, and even did a backup search to find them. Nothing. I had basically given up. 

Then, yesterday, I was looking around at the files on my computer, and I FOUND THEM! Merry Christmas to Madie! Her sweetheart left on his mission a little bit ago, so it was such a miracle that I found the photos, and I love how they turned out. 


  1. These are beautiful Alice, you are amazing!:) Madie almost died and went to heaven when you said you found these! LOVE!!!:)


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