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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Free Yogurt, Free Frostbite

Sunday, February 9, 2014
I have made a personal goal to write at least one blog post a week, and so far, so good! It's part of a project that I am doing for my Book of Mormon class.

My life is crazy busy right now with all my classes and midterms and everything. I feel like when one thing comes, it all comes. That goes for school, work, family, friends, relationships, church, etc. 


But, that's ok. I guess I would rather be busy than bored, right? 

I have a list that I keep on my phone of blog posts that I need to write, and each week, I choose at least one to write about. Trust me, I have a ton of drafts on here that I work on little by little, until one day, they will be finished and published for the world to see!

Back to the point!

Despite my hectic schedule, I always seems to find time to have little adventures. This week, I had an unexpected adventure that has become a part of me....possibly forever

So, on Monday, I finished up classes, and the plan was to head over to Kathy's house to see her and her broken leg (a blog post in the works, folks). Kathy texted me and reminded me that it was free frozen yogurt at Yogurtland. I figured that it was the free 3 ounces from BYU reaching over 80 points in their basketball game on Saturday.

I was so down for that. 

Well, I got there, and this is what I saw.

I have never seen a line so long! 

Could it possibly be just for the free 3 ounces they do after every game?? 

Turns out the answer to that is no

It was National Frozen Yogurt Day (as you can see in the sign), and we decided to join in this fun!

So, we did. We waited outside for an entire hour just in line.

For what, you might ask. FOR WHAT?

For a free 5 ounce cup of all the Frozen Yogurt you could possibly shove in there! 

Yes, people. I took that as a challenge. We all did! They handed us the little cups, and we wanted to see who could shove as much frozen yogurt in their cup as humanly possible.

Bryce Andelin, Karen Andelin, and I were all devising our own plans on who would be able to get the most in their cups. 

I figured that I had this challenge in the bag since I always played with the ice cream machines at Chuckarama and Golden Corral. 

Here are the end results:

In 3rd place, we have Bryce. 

In 2nd place, we have Karen. 

and in 1st place, me!
I am going to go ahead and claim first place because my ice cream was so high that it wouldn't fit underneath the dispensers anymore.

People. This adventure is not over yet. Actually, it is far from over. This is just the beginning. 

Because we had spent an hour outside, my hands were cold enough that I couldn't feel them very well. If you look close enough in this photo, the pointer finger on my left hand was directly on my ice cream! I couldn't feel it because I was so cold,

Right after this photo was taken, Karen, Bryce and I made our way out to the car. The walk to my car was full of me laughing, fist bumps from a group of boys proud of my success, jaws dropping, fingers pointing, and people staring. 

I mean, it's not like I was holding the world's largest pile of frozen yogurt or anything. 

Well, I got to my car and realized I had nowhere to put this, and it was going to melt by the time that we arrived at Karen and Kathy's. I handed it off to Karen and ran into another restaurant to ask for a few cups. The waiter happily gave me some and asked me what for. Then, he just wanted to carry on a conversation for a minute, but I finally escaped back out to my car. Karen and I spooned the top few layers into a cup and headed off to her house. 

By now, my pointer finger was starting to thaw out. Holy crap. It hurt so bad. Bryce and Karen were laughing at me because I was yelling out in pain hahahaha!

Now, yes, people. I ate all of that except for two big spoonfuls that I just couldn't finish. I can honestly say that it all tasted the same, and I didn't like it very much. The sense of achievement was way better than any of that crap tasted like. Frozen yogurt doesn't even sound appealing anymore (even if I did eat some of it Friday night). Thank heavens I had found my medicine or my lactose intolerance would have killed me with all that dairy!


My finger was still killing me. I went to bed, and woke up with a blister!! It hurt worse than any burn I have ever had.

Here are pics from 9 different angles.

You can see it best in this photo. 

Literally. This hurt so bad. I couldn't move my finger, touch my finger, or even have it lower than my heart. Haha! All of this for free frozen yogurt that probably made me gain 5 pounds, too!

I woke up Wednesday and it was still blistered, but only hurt if I touched it.

Thursday, it got a little better as well.

Until finally, today, now it is just super tough. My skin is all rough and completely numb. I can't feel anything! My skin won't stretch at all, so it makes it difficult to bend, but I can do it. When I run my other fingers over it, it feels completely flat, like it has been squished! and it feels just like my scar on my knee does---numb because they cut my nerves. 

That part of my finger feels like a man hand. Hahaha all tough and not very soft! That's what it reminds me of.

But, seriously. Take a second and think about how dumb this all is.

Only this would happen to me.

Maybe my hair color really should be bright blonde.

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